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FAQs- Skyhawks
Brian Mironer avatar
Written by Brian Mironer
Updated over 5 months ago

Why do I need insurance for my Skyhawks franchise?

  • Skyhawks has minimum insurance standards its franchisees need to abide by; please refer to your franchisee agreement for more information. In addition to the minimum requirement, insurance protects your business and assets from common risks associated with running youth sports programs. Players Health provides an insurance benefit to Skyhawks franchisees with both General Liability coverage for your business and participant accident coverage for accidents that happen associated with sports.

How do I estimate the number of participants with my program?

  • It is recommended to estimate on the lower end. If you are a new franchise and in your first year, 100 participants would be a reasonable number to use to start.

What if my number of annual participants increases?

  • Please reach out to Players Health to get your participant number updated.

What Insurance lines are offered by Players Health for my Skyhawks franchise?

  • General Liability Coverage with the following limits:

    1. $1,000,000 occurrence / $3,000,000 aggregate

    2. $1,000,000 professional liability coverage for coaches/trainers

    3. $1,000,000 occurrence / $1,000,000 aggregate for Sexual Abuse/Molestation Coverage (SAM)

  • Participant Accident Coverage

    1. $25,000 per occurrence

Do I need Participant Accident coverage?

  • Although not mandated at this time, Participant Accident coverage is highly recommended because it provides accidental medical benefits to your participants should an injury occur during programming.

How do I receive my proof of coverage?

  • When you complete your insurance enrollment online, you will receive an automatic Certificate of Insurance (COI) and any additional insureds listed when you sign up.

How do I file a claim?

  • You can file a claim with our claims team via the following: Send Email or by logging into the Safety Hub with your username and password.

How do I add additional insureds to my coverage?

  • Please log into the Safety Hub and navigate to the COI section to request additional insureds.

How do I add endorsements to my COI?

  • Please email and we will respond with your additional insured/s within 2 business days

How do I get worker’s comp insurance?

  • If you have more than 5 W2 employees, feel free to reach out to. If you have under 5 employees, you will get the most competitive workers comp insurance offering with the state fund or going through your payroll partner.

How do I request future COI needs? This includes “Primary/Non-Contributory” endorsement.

  • Please email and an insurance professional will reach out to help. Expected turnaround time is three (3) business days.

What excess products should I consider buying? Who can I connect with to learn more about these lines of coverage?

  • Please reach out to if you have any of the following excess insurance needs:

    1. Property/Equipment (if you own any)

    2. D&O coverage

    3. Cyber

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