Admins are not located in the compliance tab, like they were in Protect.
Instead, to view Compliance admins:
Select the org you’re looking for admins in (via the top right of the screen)
Go to “Organization Settings”
Go to “Manage Admins”
You can then either scroll through, or use the search bar to search by email for compliance admins.
Add Admins
Once you've reached the Manage Admins screen, use the "Add User" button on the top-right to add a new admin.
Note: Users with a current compliance profile must use a new profile (different email address) to access an admin profile.
You'll first need to input the First Name, Last Name, and email of the admin you wish to invite.
In the "Assign Permissions" table, double-click on any cell to select the organization and level of permissions the user should have in the select organization.
If the admin requires permissions in multiple organizations, click "Add Another Permission" to insert another line for an additional organization to be selected.
Once permissions have been set, click "Invite User" on the bottom right to add the new admin.
Manage Admins
You can manage various settings on your existing admins.
First, locate the admin you wish to edit.
Then, click on the three dots to the right of the profile.
Edit Permissions
You can edit the access an admin has in your organization.
Here, you can double click on any of the cells to edit the type of access a user has or click “Add Another Permission” to add an additional club/organization to their existing access.
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Delete Admins
You can also delete an admin entirely from the system, removing all admin access.